Momento de Clareza
Momento de Clareza

Join me & try it!

Choose to meditate where you feel comfortable.
Choose to meditate when you’re alone, without interruptions or stresses.
Choose the posture you feel most comfortable in.
Keep your spine upright, shoulders down and the chin slightly tilted forward.
Choose to be barefoot and, if your feet are on the ground, keep your toes separated so that they sink to the ground.
And remember, you’re not here to sleep, you’re here to meditate.
Join me and try it!

Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and breathe out through your mouth in a gasp.
Remember, you’re supposed to be comfortable, so don’t force your breath; breathe deeply, considering your limits.
If your breathing is short, take short breaths.
If your breathing is long, take long breaths.
Respect your natural rhythm.
If you can’t breathe through your nose, breathe through your mouth!
Breathe in, hold and breathe out five times in a row, respecting your natural rhythm.
This breathing exercise helps to calm down and turn inward.

Now, breathe in and out through your nose, trying to gasp when breathing out.
You’ll feel the same vibration and sound you felt when you exhaled through your mouth.

Breathe in and focus your attention on the air coming in, the abdomen expanding, the chest rising and your skull filling.
Hold the ventilation and imagine the air spreading throughout the whole body: from the lungs to the vital organs and then to the arms and legs.
When you feel the need, exhale and focus your attention on the air coming out, the skull deflates, the chest descends and the abdomen contracts.
Keep your attention on your breath for a few minutes.
Air coming in, abdomen expanding, chest rising and your skull filling.
Hold the air and feel it travel your body, trunk, upper and lower limbs.
And when you feel the need, let the air out, let it go, feel the skull deflate, the chest descend and the abdomen contract.
In, hold, out!
Acknowledge the difference of temperature from the air that goes in to the air that comes out.

Whenever you feel thoughts invading your mind, let them be.
Focus on the breathing.
Take your full attention to your breath.
Just bear witness to the chattering thoughts!
Relax! Just relax!
Feel your breathing slowing down…
Feel your body more relaxed each second…
Feel the whirlwind of thoughts calming…
Feel your heart beat slowing its rhythm…
Feel the vibration of your body rising…
Feel yourself aligning with your soul!

And in your own pace, open your eyes!
Thank yourself for being who you are!
Forgive yourself for being the way you are!
Love yourself for who you are!

Meditation is a daily practice, whether after waking up or before going to bed.
Perform this breathing exercise every day, before experiencing guided meditations.
Give yourself a month, then move on to guided meditation.
Take care of yourself!
Connect with your innerself.
Be happy and grateful for your life!