Thank you!
Your voice came into my life long before your sight!
I felt strange…
I had the urge to be familiar with a stranger.
And than the first time we met, my focus was somewhere else…
I saw you, yet not really!
I stand beside you, yet not fully!
I even spoke with you, yet not truly!
Months went by, and once again your voice invaded my being long before we’ve met.
The joy in your voice should be enough to make me see the magic between us…
Every time I heard your voice, my heart would smile!
Even so, little did I know…
Within a crowd I saw you looking around, yearning to meet by eyes…
I waved my hand in the air without being aware of what was going on deep down inside me.
What an odd moment!
To say the least!
A strange energy was pulling us toward each other…
A hug would be wonderful, however it would be awkward!
Culture and fear got in the way…
“Perfect!” came out of your lips so many times
On the phone, in person… anywhere, anytime you felt we would together!
Truth be told that it always sounded envolved in a mix of joy and relief…
After all, we would be together again!
That magical day was everything I needed to finally see!
And unravel the true feeling hidden in that awkwardness that we hid everytime we were together!
Your sweet and gentle voice got my attention…
With your crazy questions and comments you’ve added flavour to my “serious” conversations!
And that spark…
The shiny spark in your eyes…
Oh my god!
It was like looking at a million stars, right there in front of me!
The spark in your eyes flooded my heart with a soulful and faithful feeling of finally belonging!
Thank you!