Criticism, where it takes!
Criticism is a constant of current cultures.
Criticism within the same culture…
Criticism between cultures…
We criticize everything and nothing!
And why?
What does it mean?
Criticism has a Greek and Latin origin. From greek, kritiké means judgment. From latin critĭca (neutral plural) means criticism or Filology.
If we look at the Greek origin, criticism consists of a moral or intellectual judgment. Usually, it is pointed out as synonymous of judgment, censorship, analysis.
If we look at the Latin origin, criticism is associated with the concept of Filology. Thus, criticism consists in the appreciation of an intellectual, artistic or literary creation, since Filology consists in the love for literature, thus appreciation of literary texts.
In other words, criticism consists of moral or intellectual judgment or creative appreciation.
So I wonder where the idea comes from that criticism is the art of underlining the faults of others?
Does it relate to the Greek origin of moral or intellectual judgment?
Is it, therefore, that the concept of criticism was associated with the derogatory judgment of people?
And why disparaging it?
Is any moral or intellectual judgment in itself derogatory?
And if so, why make moral or intellectual judgments?
If it doesn’t add anything else, why waste energy and time doing it?
I have reflected several times on these and other issues, such as these, associated with judgment and the act of judging, the prejudice and the perception we have of others. So today I prefer to approach these issues from another point of view. Instead of talking about the futility of judgment, of judgment, of criticism as people’s derogatory judgment, I prefer to talk about how to act before a derogatory moral or intellectual judgment.
You’ve probably heard criticism about yourself.
You’ve probably criticized other people.
Criticism is embedded in our personality, in our culture, in our society.
In this sense, we must learn to deal with it in a way that enriches and strengthens us, rather than crushing us against the ground.
So many times I felt myself sinking into criticism…
Criticism should be understood here as derogatory judgments of people.
So often I felt myself sinking into criticism, which pushed me into doubt, to question my ability to do or be; pushed me into the lack of confidence in myself!
And so it was, for years, until I realized the source of criticism.
Criticism, as a derogatory judgment of someone, is born from the lack of self-love of those who criticize.
Those who carry within themselves an emptiness of self-love feel the need to focus on others, because they do not want to look at themselves.
The funny thing is that everything you can see in others is just what you don’t like about yourself.
That said, when someone makes a derogatory judgment of you, take five deep breaths and focus your attention on your heart. Seek compassion within yourself and say, “I am grateful (a) for your sincerity!“. The other one really needs your compassion and you can always choose to stay in peace and quiet, so don’t react, just accept what you’re told and be thankful!
Always remember, you’re not responsible for other people’s anger, hurt, or frustration, and you have no right to control how they see you.
Take care of your inner peace!
You’ll see, the conversation ends there and hardly ever comes back!