Life as two is an utopia!
For decades, the tradition was to marry early, have many children and live 60 or 70 years with the same person at our side.
Till death do us part!
The goal was to be someone’s wife or husband.
Then came the opposite, with free love…
To have several companions and to be of none.
In the last three decades, we have lived a time in which we spent our lives in search of a perfect love, a life as two, worthy of a fairy tale, ending up marrying late, having few children and going through complicated divorces.
Here the goal is to experiment with sexual partners until we find perfection, to ultimately be someone’s husband or wife.
And there are also those who do not marry or have children and therefore live frustrated by not being someone’s wife or husband.
Do we have an alternative or do we have to choose one of these options?
Yes, we have a choice…
We can be ourselves!
That’s what we were born to!
We’re not meant to be someone’s wife or husband.
We’re not meant to be someone else’s good.
At best, we’re born to share who we are with someone else.
We were raised to marry and accept everything that this idea of being someone’s wife or husband entails.
The truth is, it’s time to realize were not cut out for this.
We were born to be ourselves!
And if we so choose to share who we are with someone else, that doesn’t mean that we cease to exist.
A relationship is a three-way experience, contrary to what many people might think.
The I lives in communion with the YOU and the YOU lives in communion with the I. The two appreciate and develop as WE, co-exist as free, independent and co-creators of yet another life!
Our first child is the relationship we co-created with someone else!
In other words, Person A (I) joins Person B (YOU) and creates Person C (US) together. These three people relate to each other and it is essential that none of them is annulled, so that there is a happy relationship.
The I, YOU and US are three essential foundations for a relationship to flourish, mature and transform in a healthy, natural, free and independent way.
A harmonious relationship is only possible when these three entities co-exist. If there are only one or two, it is not exactly a balanced relationship. What I mean is that the three have to live together and in harmony, because only in this way can we live a relationship that gives space for the three to exist, that does not nullify or attempt to nullify any of these three entities that exist from scratch in a relationship – in fact, a relationship only exists if there is such a triad; otherwise it will be a worry!
It is impossible to live a relationship with another person without that person having the space and time to exist in that relationship. If only an I has that space and time to exist, there is no Us, so there is no relationship. If we want to have a relationship with someone and try to nullify that person within the relationship, we are saying clearly that we do not want to live that relationship with who we have on our side, thus we are saying that we want to have a relationship with what we think that person should be.
And how can we articulate ourselves into a love triangle?
This is a fundamental step for a relationship to happen in a healthy, free and independent way.
It’s a deeper awareness, more subtle than rational. Of course, we can understand it rationally, but if it is only at this level, understanding would become somewhat blurred if the emotions boiled. Therefore, we must take a deep awareness and accept these differences in a genuine way so that this understanding has a continuity in our actions. So there’s a balance.
Guys, always remember, love is energy.
The energy we share with others.
When we’re in a relationship, we share all the energy that we are.
Energy that can please or displease those who love us.
We are not obliged to please always… in everything…
And those who love us are not obliged to like everything about us…
Those who love, especially love the defects, because they are the ones that give importance to the virtues.
Life is made of ups and downs, pleasant and unpleasant moments, of joy and sadness, of laughter and cry.
Life is not a straight line…
At all!
Once a straight line appears on the monitor of our life, it’s the end of life!
For there to be life the line has to oscillate between the top and the bottom, otherwise there is no life!
It’s over!
The energy has transmuted and returned to its origin, leaving our body lifeless!
So embrace the ups and downs of your life, for that is what gives meaning to this experience, be it as one, two, three or millions!
Share your life with someone who’s willing to laugh and cry with you.
Share your life with someone who’s willing to appreciate those ups and downs with you.
Share your life with someone who is happy with your happiness!
And most of all, share your life with someone you’re happy with!
Just be who you are!
That’s what you were born to!
It wasn’t to please or to be A, B or C.
You were born to be yourself!
You were born to be authentic, free and happy!