Imagine what happens when we look at the word Trust as an anagram…
Thus, trust happens when we have the Strength to Recognise and Tolerate the Truth that lives within the Union of two individuals.
However, sometimes we can’t trust, even if there is no reason not to. It happens when we lack one of the five.
I see myself as a tolerant person that senses others as they are a part of me, what makes me believe that I am already in Union. Even so, I believe I am lacking Strength to Recognise someone else as my own Truth.
And how can I TRUST? How can I find the Strength to Recognise someone else as my own Truth?
Well, it takes Clarity. I mean, it takes Courage to Love oneself and Awareness to be able to Reconnect with our innerself.
Courage, Love, Awareness and Reconnection fuels Illumination and Togetherness through Yield. It is fundamental to surrender to be able to create TRUST.
However, to surrender we need Courage and Awareness to be strong enough to Love and Reconnect with our innerself.
In the end, it all comes to a simple act of Faith in oneself to TRUST. After all, TRUST is an inner issue. It has nothing to do with someone else. You are only able to TRUST someone else if you TRUST yourself!