Listen with your heart!
Guided Meditation
Close your eyes and draw your attention to your breathing.
Breathe in through your nose, hold your breath, and breathe out through your mouth five times in a row.
You know, feel your abdomen expand, your chest rise and your skull fill up when you breathe in. Feel the skull deflate, the chest descend, and the abdomen contract when you exhale.
Now, just breathe through your nose, effortlessly, without forcing! Just breathe!
Breathe in through the nose, the abdomen expands, the chest rises and the skull fills up; the shoulders remain relaxed.
Exhale, in a gasp, through the nose, the skull empties, the chest descends and the abdomen contracts.
Give yourself some time!
Be aware of your body relaxing!
Do not judge yourself!
Now, put your hands on your chest, thymus level.
First the right and then the left!
And as you breathe, focus your attention on your heart.
Breathe in, breathe out, normally!
Feel your heartbeat slowing down.
Feel the palms of your hands warm up.
When you feel a slight tingling in the palms of your hands, take them to your face and place them over your eyes, in a shell.
Focus on your breathing and let the energy of your heart spread.
Feel it wrap around your skull like a white light.
Take your hands to your heart again.
First the right and then the left!
Focus on your heart.
Breathe in, breathe out, normally!
Give yourself some time!
Be aware of your heartbeat calming down!
Do not judge yourself!
Just listen with your heart!
What words come to you from yourself?
Witness the messages your heart imprints on your mind.
They are subtle messages, often camouflaged by conversation of circumstance that the ego provokes.
Listen carefully!
Witness what your heart has to say to you!
Are you happy to be who you are?
Do you feel guilty for not being otherwise?
Do you believe those words deeply?
Give yourself some time!
Do not judge yourself!
At your own pace, start by moving your fingers and toes, then your limbs, and then stretch as far as you can: raise your hands above your head and stretch your feet and legs forward.
If you’re standing, raise your hands above your head and raise your heels.
If you’re lying down, stretch your arms above your head and your feet in the opposite direction.
And relax!
When you feel ready, open your eyes!
Thank your heart for everything it gives you, every day.
Log the messages you received from it.
Thank yourself for being who you are!
Forgive yourself for being the way you are!
Love yourself for who you are!
Look in the mirror and say to yourself:
I’m sorry!
Please forgive me!
I love you!
Thank you!
You already know, repeat this meditation every day, whether after waking up or before going to bed.
Dedicate to yourself every day.
Take care of yourself!
Be happy!