Being a Mother!
“Oh, you have to get one too!”
“Don’t you feel the need to be a Mother?”
Afirmations, questions, critics or just beliefs that I should be a mother…
Heard them all, in the past 20 years!
From family, friends, acquaintances…
Everyone ends up releasing one “You must” or two “You should” into thin air!
I understand those remarks…
Social beliefs combined with my nurturing nature equals “You should be a mother”!
My reaction?
A smile, a smirk, silence or simply “Sure!”…
Or not!
I don’t have to get anything, specially another human being!
And no, I never felt the need to be a Mother!
Just to be crystal clear: I don’t need to be a Mother, because I am a Mother everytime the opportunity appears for to be a Mother.
Do I need to carry the baby on my belly for nine months to Be a Mother?
Do I need to give birth to be a Mother?
Do I need to be 24/7 with a baby to be a Mother?
Do I need to pay for everything to be a Mother?
What is to Be a Mother?
Are the practical things?
Are the loving things?
Are the titles?
Is the power over someone else’s life?
Is the time we spend with children?
And most importantly, Is Being a Mother a soul call or a need?
I’m smirking now!!!
It’s true!!!
When giving birth, a woman receives the opportunity to nurture and cherish a newborn.
This woman will protect and teach that beautiful Being, as long as he or she may need and accept.
This woman will impact that Human Being’s Life as much as she can…
Good or bad, right or wrong, the Impact will be seen throughout the following years.
Even so, that Human Being is not hers; he or she was brought to her for to care and for growth… the baby’s and the mom’s growth!
If life allows, that bound will exit till death do them part!
However, the baby is not hers!
Children are borrowed to us to nurture and love and prepared for to be their Future Self!
Therefore, everytime I receive the opportunity to nurture and love a Human Being, I am Being a Mother!
Everytime I impact someone else’s life, I am Being a Mother!
Everytime I bound at a soul level with someone else, I am Being a Mother!
Not a birth mother, not a blood mother, simply a Mother!
Being a Mother is to love, nurture, cherish and impact someone at a much deeper level than we usually allow ourselves to love, nurture, cherish and impact others!
Please, Love unconditionally everytime life brings you someone to love!
Allow yourself to trully Be a Mother!