Imagine what happens when you look at the word CONFIAR (Trust) like an anagram…
Consciência (Awareness)
Ousadia (Boldness)
Númen (Inspiration)
Fé (Faith)
Intimidade (Intimacy)
Aceitação (Accepting)
Rendição (Surrender)
CONFIAR (Trust) is to become conscious, is to dare, is to inspire, is to have faith, is to accept, is to surrender!
To become aware of who we are as a particle of the Whole.
To have the Boldness of Being the Whole in a particle.
To Inspire… Be the Divine Majesty of Inspiration on Earth.
Have Faith in the magical condition of Being particle and Whole at the same time.
Being Intimate to Universal Energy.
Accept every opportunity that life brings.
Surrender to the Magic of Being who we are.
TRUST is, simply, Being Conscious of the way we Dare to Inspire Faith in the Intimacy of Accepting and Surrendering to the Subtle Abundance that Being who we are offers us!