Small gifts
Life offers every day!
Once upon a time there was a little girl that loved to read and learn knew things. She would spend her days looking for new and interesting ideas to absorb, through books, movies, magazines, conversations, observing people in their daily life – everything was useful to fuel up her curiosity and need of knowledge.
Although she didn’t known it, back then, that love would move her towards one of her biggest passions – writing! The world of writing is where she feels grounded and free, at the same time! She feels almost like a big and wonderful oak!
Her roots deeply grounded fueling up her being with all kinds of knowledge – from the roots through the trunk right to the branches – only to share it freely with the world through storytelling.
And yes, that little girl was me. Since I can remember, I absorb ideas and receive insights from the most unusual events of life and share it through thoughts, emotions and words!
My first language is Portuguese, but since I was a young girl I realised that I have the ability to learn easily foreign languages. English was the first one. I have studied it at school, for eight years.
Even so, I didn’t feel confident enough to speak in English. I was afraid I would say something stupid. When in contact with British people, or foreigners who spoke English, I would hide myself and just listen to what they were saying. They usually thought that I didn’t understand what they were saying.
Sometimes, it was funny. I would hear funny stories or just unusual remarks about something or someone!
However, that fear stopped me from interacting with interesting and different people. Well, I lost special opportunities of experiencing life at its most.
A few years ago, I was forced to use my English as a way to communicate with a loved one and with all kinds of foreign clients. For more than seven years, I spoke English every single day. This helped me to trust in myself as an English speaker. And, it also inspired me to share my thoughts, emotions and insights using the English language.
Why is it so important to share this with you, today?
Well, because today is the most important day of our lives.
It’s the only one we have, really!
Yesterday is gone, already.
Tomorrow? We don’t know what tomorrow brings.
And lately we have been living in such a fear, that we don’t know if tomorrow is coming.
That is the main reason I decided to share this story with you, because I lost wonderful opportunities to live life at its most, while in fear. Those opportunities are lost.
Therefore, even if you are feeling insecure or frightned, try to accept and cherish all the small gifts life offers you. Receive today with gratitude for one more day in this crazy experience of years and years going through cycles of learning opportunities to awaken what makes you authentic and genuine!
It’s all we are going to take from this wonderful madness, called Life!