It was great seeing you!
I went back…
I wasn’t supposed to!
Being there at that hour…
What a nice surprise!
My heart almost jumped out of my mouth when I saw you!
I didn’t expect you there!
That’s the last place I expected to see you again.
And yes, I was hoping to see you again!
I opened a smile you didn’t see!
You just heard it…
And I want to believe that you felt it, too.
You heard the smile, the Joy in my voice…
The Joy of seeing you again.
You didn’t know what to do!
It was a surprise for you, too.
You didn’t expect to find me there!
And did you expect to find me?
You disguised the surprise
And I disguised Joy!
Why hide what we feel?
Why insist on this?
Why are you so afraid to genuinely say and show what’s in your soul?
So weird!
And embarrassing… the moment we want to hug, kiss, touch and don’t.
I felt the slight touch of the back of your hand on my arm – you almost seemed afraid to touch me!
I know that the period we live in is not conducive to these things!
I know that my controlled attitude and somewhat distant didn’t make the moment any easier.
Even so, that smooth and almost imperceptible touch on my arm wasn’t enough and felt strange and forced.
If you want to touch me, do it with conviction, without fear!
If you don’t want to touch me, don’t even try!
I’d rather not feel your touch!
You know I Love your touch!
You know I Love your hug!
You know I Love your kiss!
I miss you so much!
So often we see a hug, a kiss, a touch as guaranteed…
And then, at times like this, we value moments when we don’t feel forced to block a hug!
I miss you so much!
What a nice surprise!
I loved seeing you, even for seconds!